Do you need a message guide?
Let’s find out.
Score your replies.
5 questions
If we asked your executives, customers, product managers and sales reps to name your product category, would they name the same category?
Yes (1 point)
No (2 points)
What’s a product category? (3 points)
Do you follow a rigorous positioning exercise before product launches?
Yes (1 point)
No (2 points)
Does a slide deck count? (3 points)
Do you have marketing content for every stage of the customer journey?
Yes (1 point)
No (2 points)
Remind me what a customer journey is. (3 points)
Do you give sales reps marketing content to support every stage of their work?
Yes (1 point)
No (2 points)
Our reps spend time generating their own content. (3 points)
Is your product new, technically complex, sold into different markets, or sold over a long sales cycle?
No (1 point)
Yes (2 points)
This question triggers me and I would have appreciated a content warning. (3 points)
5 points: Well done. You don’t need me.
6 – 10 points: Let’s talk.
11 – 15 points: We really need to talk.